
Octopizzo Warns Kaligraph About Mentioning His Name.

In a recent Twitter post, Octopizzo, a well-known rapper, has conveyed a cautionary message to Kaligraph Jones. Octopizzo urged Kaligraph to refrain from mentioning his name and subtly hinted at potential repercussions.

Octopizzo’s tweet stated, “I’ve heard that there’s still someone out there persistently mentioning me during interviews. What you’re searching for will soon catch up with you. It’s time to close your mouth, turn your attention elsewhere. Let me deal with my own matters first, specifically addressing the situation.”

This occurrence follows closely after Kaligraph Jones discussed their ongoing rivalry in an interview with Oga Obinna. During the conversation, Kaligraph Jones clarified that he holds no animosity towards Octopizzo and even shared that Octopizzo harbors unfavorable sentiments towards him.