
“Nimekulwa na Mwanaume Moja Pekee!” – Nadia Mukami confesses

Kenya’s music sensation, Nadia Mukami, candidly shared details about her intimate life, disclosing that her fiancé, Ali Yusuf, popularly known as Arrow Bwoy, holds the title of being the first man she made love to. This revelation unfolded during a Q&A session on YouTube, featuring Nadia and Arrow Bwoy, showcasing a playful and light-hearted exchange.

When Arrow Bwoy directly inquired, “Who broke your virginity?” Nadia responded with a quick and playful retort, pointing at her partner and stating, “You did!” This elicited laughter from Arrow Bwoy, who initially appeared surprised and somewhat doubtful. However, he eventually accepted her answer, emphasizing his commitment to protecting their family.

Expressing his sentiments, Arrow Bwoy affirmed, “I love my family, I have to protect my family with all my heart. It’s me,” aligning with Nadia’s playful acknowledgment.

The discussion continued as Arrow Bwoy shared insights into his own experiences. Reflecting on his first physical intimacy, he recounted an attempt during his second year of high school, where he was dating someone in their fourth year. Despite the effort, he admitted that he did not find enjoyment in the experience, emphasizing the preference for meaningful connections over casual encounters.

Arrow Bwoy humorously expressed, “That’s why, if you ask me now, I’d rather you give me a car with road experience than something straight from the store. If you bring me a virgin right now, better I die with you (Nadia).” This lighthearted banter showcased the couple’s playful dynamic.

When questioned about memorable locations for intimate moments, Arrow Bwoy mentioned both the car and the studio. The ‘Digi Digi’ hitmaker added a touch of nostalgia to the conversation, revealing that he couldn’t distinctly recall the name of the first girl he fell in love with.

In this candid exchange, Nadia Mukami and Arrow Bwoy provided a glimpse into their personal lives, mixing humor and sincerity to create an engaging and relatable narrative.