
“Nilianza kuvuta bangi nikiwa class 5″ – Kabi wa Jesus narrates how he was introduced to drugs

Content creator Kabi wa Jesus recently shared a candid account of his past struggles, recounting his introduction to marijuana during his primary school years.

In his quest to fit in with a particular peer group, Kabi found himself agreeing to partake in smoking marijuana, completely oblivious to the consequences that lay ahead. Little did he realize that this seemingly innocent decision would eventually lead him into a perilous gang.

Reflecting on this period, Kabi disclosed, “When I was in class 5, I was introduced to smoking weed as a misguided attempt to blend in and hold onto my friends. Regrettably, I had no inkling that it would serve as a gateway to something far more sinister – involvement with a notorious gang.”

Kabi went on to reveal the gang’s proposition that initiation required undergoing circumcision, a scheme that would have required him to persuade his parents to allow him to undergo the procedure in class 6. Fortunately, divine intervention prevented this plan from materializing.

At one juncture in his life, Kabi faced a daunting diagnosis of tuberculosis, leading medical professionals to strongly advise him to quit smoking. He managed to abstain from it for a brief period but eventually succumbed to the allure of his former habits.

Recognizing that his addiction had taken a firm hold, Kabi understood that he couldn’t overcome it on his own.

Then, on September 15, 2013, a significant turning point occurred in Kabi’s life when he discovered salvation and embraced a born-again faith. Fearing the possibility of relapse, he retained some marijuana joints, just in case. To his astonishment, the moment he accepted Jesus as his savior, the cravings vanished into thin air.

Kabi also took another crucial step in his journey to redemption. He engaged in heartfelt dialogues with his past demons, confronting them head-on and proclaiming, “I shall no longer succumb to the temptations of smoking or drinking. I am reborn!” He firmly believed in the power of testifying to his faith, not only to others but also to his inner struggles.