Ndindi Nyoro's Disobedience Leads To The Sacking Of A Chief And His Assistants.

Ndindi Nyoro reveals the powerful man using EACC and DCI to harass Waiguru after she joined hustler nation.

Kiharu MP, Ndindi Nyoro has come out to reveal the powerful man using state machinery to harass Kirinyaga County Governor, Anne Waiguru.

This is after the governor dumped Uhuru’s Jubilee Party for Ruto’s United Democratic Alliance (UDA) party.

The Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) have been on a witch hunt for the governor after a Ksh 52 million tender scandal in Kirinyaga.

Nyoro said that ODM leader, Raila Odinga is the power hand behind Waiguru’s frustrations after she declared her support for Deputy President William Ruto’s 2022 presidential bid.

“Now, EACC is no longer Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC), it is now Ethics and Raila Odinga Project Commission,” Nyoro said.

“I have been arrested by the same EACC. They have arrested Rigathi Gachagua and so many UDA allies but we are still hustlers.”

“Even if you arrest Waiguru, she will remain a hustler. I want to tell EACC and DCI that you will lose your credibility if you continue allowing it to be used in political course,” Nyoro stated.