
“Nakula Shosh Yangu! daily” Andrew Kibe Reacts As Fan says He’s Been Sleeping With his Grandmother For 6 Years

For the past six years, I have been harboring a secret about my genuine grandmother, a revelation that began when I was 22 years old. This surprising disclosure was recently shared with Andrew Kibe by an online user.

Andrew Kibe, a well-known personality recognized for his outspoken and unfiltered viewpoints, unexpectedly found himself in an unusual scenario when a follower made a startling admission.

The revelation not only left Kibe astonished but also ignited a flurry of reactions and discussions among the public.

The anonymous individual behind the confession claimed to have been romantically involved and engaged in intimate encounters with their own grandmother over the course of six years.

According to this individual, the unconventional relationship commenced at the age of 22, following a night of intoxication involving both alcohol and marijuana, inside a car. The fan asserted that what transpired that night marked the beginning of a peculiar connection, eventually forming a surprisingly strong bond between them and their grandmother.

Andrew Kibe, in his characteristic manner, responded to this astonishing confession with humor and sarcasm, stating, “Someone tell the Aliens we are ready to be invaded!”

Despite Kibe’s lighthearted response, the reactions from other netizens varied. Some took a humorous approach, while others expressed genuine concern.

The situation prompted speculation about the authenticity of the confession and the underlying motivations behind it. Some speculated that it could be a prank or an attempt to gain attention in the era of social media.