
Kenyans React After Latest Opinion Polls By Radio Africa Where Raila Odinga Is Trailing Dp Ruto

Kenyans have mixed responses following the most recent opinion polls by Radio Africa claiming that Raila Odinga is trailing Dp Ruto with only 8 Days left to general elections.

In the results, Dp Ruto has surpassed Raila Odinga by one percentage as he was positioned at 45% while Raila Odinga followed intently at 44%, Wajackoyah came third at 2% while 9% of kenyans are as yet undecided.

This has left numerous kenyans saying that the polls are deceiving as they claim that Ruto will win by a landslide while others hold that Raila’s prominence is far more than 50% considering the huge impact of Martha Karua.

Others have said that the assessments of are uncovering the true mattering the ground as they claim Ruto and Raila have a close popularity and it will be difficult to hit the 50%+1 threshold required by the law.