Kenya National Bureau of Statistics (KNBS) through a report identified as Kenya Demographic and Health Survey (KDHS) in 2022 have shown that the average number of sexual partners among Kenyan men is 7.4.
Migori county led the nation with highest number of men with multiple partners at 28.7 per cent, Elgeyo Marakwet came second at (28.5per cent) and West Pokot third (27.2 per cent).
The sample for the 2022 KDHS was drawn from the Kenya Household Master Sample Frame (K-HMSF), which is the frame that KNBS currently operates to conduct household-based sample surveys in Kenya.
According to KDHS Kenyan women have an average of 2.3 sexual partners.
“Of those with more than one partner in the last 12 months, 24% of women and 45% of men reported using a condom during their last sexual intercourse,” the report said.
KNBS revealed that 11 per cent of Kenyan women with multiple sexual partners are from Murang’a County.
In the second position was Kericho at 6.5% while Busia County came third with 6.2 per cent.
KDHS survey showed that a higher proportion of men (15 per cent) than women (4 per cent) reported having two or more sexual partners in the 12 months prior to the survey.
KNBS report also showed that in the 12 months before the survey, 19 per cent of women had sex with a person who neither was their husband nor lived with them. Only 37% of these women used condoms during their last sexual intercourse with such a partner.
12 months before the survey, Thirty-five per cent of men had sex with a person who neither was their wife nor lived with them, and 68 per cent of these men reported using a condom during their last sexual intercourse with such a partner.
Data collection for the survey was carried out from February 17 to July 13, 2022.