Kenyan Bishop arrested in the UK for selling ‘anointed oil’ calls it Covid-19 cure
Bizzare gossips

Kenyan Bishop arrested in the UK for selling ‘anointed oil’

A rogue Kenyan Bishop situated in the UK was taken to court on Monday for selling ‘anointed oil’ claimed to be Covid-19 cure.

The flamboyant pastor known as Bishop Climate Wiseman runs a church known as Kingdom Church in South London.

He has been selling the ‘anointed oil’ for 91 euros (Ksh 11,000) per bottle.

The said man has been raking in huge profits from performing fake miracles and selling ‘anointed oil’

He has several high end vehicles

See photographs of his guzzlers.

Kenyan Bishop arrested in the UK for selling ‘anointed oil’ calls it Covid-19 cure
Kenyan Bishop arrested in the UK for selling ‘anointed oil’ calls it Covid-19 cure
Kenyan Bishop arrested in the UK for selling ‘anointed oil’ calls it Covid-19 cure