
Kenyan artist Khaligraph Jones Anaosha Diamond Kwa Mziki: Cassypool

Tanzanian musicians are widely known for their bongo-style singing, with prominent artists like Diamond, Zuchu, and Harmonize often celebrated for their contributions to the genre. However, recent developments suggest that these artists have faced challenges, particularly with the cancellation of many of their foreign gigs. It is speculated that language barriers, particularly with English, may be a contributing factor.

In a recent interview with Cassypool, Kenyan artist Khaligraph Jones was highlighted as being significantly superior to Diamond and other Bongo musicians. Despite Diamond’s impressive achievement of over two billion views on YouTube, making him the most-watched East African artist, Cassypool argues that Khaligraph’s global influence is more substantial.

Cassypool asserts that if both Diamond and Khaligraph were to perform in English-speaking countries such as the United States, Diamond would face considerable difficulty in attracting a large audience. He claims that Khaligraph’s music resonates more effectively in such regions, while Diamond’s appeal is largely confined to East Africa, where most of his fans reside.

In Cassypool’s view, “If you take Khaligraph and Diamond to a place where no one knows them in the USA and try to fill a stadium, the OG will bring down the house,” referring to Khaligraph Jones. He further compared Khaligraph’s song “Yego” to Diamond’s “Yatapita,” suggesting that Khaligraph’s track would have a greater impact in the U.S. than Diamond’s.

Cassypool also expressed a belief that Tanzanian artists, in general, fall short compared to their Kenyan counterparts. He mentioned that besides Khaligraph Jones, other Kenyan artists like Wyre and Dufla Diligon also possess the potential to perform better on a global stage than many Tanzanian musicians.