
“Kalitoka Nikiwa Nimeenda Choo” Kakamega: Pregnant Woman Accidentally Gives Birth In Pit Toilet, Drops Baby

In Lwatingu village, located in Kakamega County, a pregnant woman recently shared a distressing incident that unfolded on a Sunday. Unaware that her due date was imminent, she went to the bathroom for routine relief, only to unexpectedly go into labor, resulting in an unplanned home birth.

Recalling the harrowing experience, she recounted, “I had gone to relieve myself, and unfortunately, the baby accidentally fell into the pit latrine.” The situation was particularly traumatic for her, given that she had no prior indication of her impending childbirth.

This mother of three began experiencing labor pains at around 3 am and urgently requested her husband to arrange transportation to the hospital. Unfortunately, her husband’s delayed response led him to leave the house at 5 am in search of transportation.

In her desperation for assistance, she had implored her husband to find two individuals who could accompany her to the hospital. However, he hesitated, citing the uncommon practice of people in the area venturing out at night.

Later, the husband noticed that his wife no longer appeared pregnant, prompting him to inquire about the baby’s whereabouts. The discovery of blood stains in the pit latrine raised alarm, prompting him to seek help from neighbors to understand the fate of the newborn.

Concerned residents and the police swiftly gathered at the scene, attempting to rescue the newborn from the pit latrine. Recognizing the complexity of the situation, they called for additional rescue teams to join the operation at the homestead.