Embakasi East MP, Babu Owino, recently shared his account of the time he spent in police custody following his sudden arrest on July 18, 2023. He believes that his arrest was politically motivated and expressed his disappointment at the treatment he received despite being a recognized political leader.
MP Owino revealed that he was taken to a remote location and placed in solitary confinement. For three days, he endured harsh conditions without food, access to his family, or lawyers. He described this treatment as inhumane and questioned how ordinary Kenyans might be treated if a member of parliament could face such circumstances.
Undeterred by his experience, the legislator vowed to continue advocating for Azimio Maandamano against the high cost of living in his capacity as an elected leader. He criticized the government for allegedly neglecting the very hustlers whose support they once relied on, stating that they are now being harmed by the actions of law enforcement.
In a warning to President William Ruto, Babu Owino cited the story of King Rehoboam in the Bible, where heavy taxation led to protests by Israel’s tribes. He suggested that Ruto’s administration might face a similar fate if they do not address the grievances of the people.
Furthermore, the MP directed a message to First Lady Rachel Ruto and Dorcas, the wife of Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua. He advised them to pray for their husbands and address the problems within their households rather than seeking solutions outside their doors. Notably, Dorcas was currently abroad with DP Gachagua on an official trip to Rome, and she had recently offered prayers for Kenya at the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem.
In conclusion, MP Babu Owino’s time in police custody has further fueled his determination to fight for the rights of ordinary Kenyans and hold the government accountable for its actions. He remains steadfast in his pursuit of justice and fairness, regardless of the challenges he may face.