Renowned Kenyan celebrity and former gospel artist, Kevin Kioko Bahati, recently sparked a digital buzz by revealing the key to a prosperous marriage, shedding light on why his wife, Diana Marua, consistently admires and praises him.
During an intimate dinner date, Kevin Bahati and Diana Marua shared insights into the longevity of their marriage. In an uncharacteristically candid manner, Bahati touched upon the subject of their private moments, attributing Diana’s admiration to his prowess in the bedroom and his ability to consistently satisfy her.
Bahati elaborated on his approach during intimate sessions, stating that his goal is to achieve 6000 taps, progressively increasing the intensity. According to him, mastery in this aspect is pivotal for a successful marriage. He asserted that a man who excels in this domain is destined to thrive in matrimony.
Encouraging other men, Bahati emphasized the importance of ensuring conjugal satisfaction for their wives and assuming a dominant role during intimate moments. According to him, this approach has been instrumental in maintaining Diana Marua’s affection and contributing to the success of their marriage. The couple, now celebrating seven years together, stands as one of Kenya’s most celebrated pairs.