Former gospel artist Kevin Kioko, popularly known as Bahati, has announced that his five-month-old daughter, Malaika Bahati, is unwell. Malaika has been hospitalized at Komarock Modern Hospital for the past three days, as stated by the Adhiambo hitmaker. Bahati expressed his desire for his daughter to recover quickly and said that they are praying for her. He posted a photo of himself holding Malaika while a nurse attended to her.
Bahati’s followers have extended their well wishes to Malaika for a speedy recovery. Bahati and Diana Marua welcomed Malaika into the world on November 1, 2022, at the Komarock Modern Hospital. Last month, Diana announced that she had ceased breastfeeding Malaika since her breasts had dried up. Malaika is presently surviving on baby formula.
In a YouTube video, Diana stated that she woke up one day with a sharp pain and was unsure why since her breasts were not full. She attempted to pump milk that night, but she was too exhausted. The following day, she was only able to extract 30ml of milk, and that was the last time she was able to express milk. She said that she had never experienced pain again and that she had no idea why it occurred.
In the meantime, Bahati is hopeful that Malaika will make a speedy recovery from her current ailment. He and Diana have been devoted parents to their daughter since her birth, and they continue to provide her with the care she requires. Fans of the couple have expressed their concern and support for the family on social media, hoping for a positive outcome.