
Erick Omondi Under Huge Criticism After Transferring Fred Omondi’s Body from Nairobi to Sega Mortuary in Siaya

Renowned comedian Erick Omondi has found himself at the center of controversy following his decision to transfer the body of his late brother, Fred Omondi, from Nairobi to Sega Mortuary in Siaya County.

The move has sparked considerable criticism, particularly from fans and fellow comedians such as Peter Ouma, known as Onjiri, who have expressed strong objections to what they perceive as an insensitive choice.

Fred Omondi tragically lost his life on Saturday, June 15, in a fatal accident involving the boda boda he was riding and a Forward Sacco bus near the Caltex Petrol Station around 6:00 a.m.

The news of Fred’s untimely death sent shockwaves through both the comedy community and his fan base, many of whom were eager to pay their final respects.

In a heartfelt video circulating on social media, Onjiri voiced his disappointment regarding Erick’s decision to relocate Fred’s body to their village in Sega. He argued that this decision deprived Fred’s Nairobi-based fans of the opportunity to properly mourn and honor him.

“Fred was beloved beyond just one place,” Onjiri emphasized, underscoring Fred’s widespread popularity and the deep affection his Nairobi fans held for him. He urged Erick to reconsider, questioning, “I want to ask Eric Omondi, what is the fear? When your elder brother passed away, you took him to the village and buried him in just two days. What’s different now? You have now taken Fred Omondi’s body to Sega. With due respect, Fred Omondi is much larger than Sega Mortuary.”

Onjiri’s impassioned plea underscored the practical and financial challenges that Fred’s Nairobi fans would encounter if they wished to attend the burial in Siaya. He pointed out that many of Fred’s supporters might not have the means to make the journey, thus denying them the chance to bid their final farewells.