
“Brian Chira Was not Gay” Family clarifies.

In a poignant interview, two of Brian Chira’s uncles provided profound insights into the life of their beloved nephew, shedding light on his character while addressing the controversies surrounding his sexuality and the unfortunate incidents during his funeral.

They emphasized that Brian, a devout attendee of church services, was often misconstrued by online communities, particularly regarding his sexual orientation.

The uncles specifically addressed Brian’s choice to paint his nails, explaining that it was a skill he acquired as part of a beauty course aimed at sustaining himself financially.

“In our eyes as his uncles, Brian was a devout churchgoer. There were unfounded rumors circulating about his sexual orientation, even within our close circles. Some speculated about his nail painting, but that was simply a skill he picked up during a beauty course to support himself,” they clarified in their conversation with Nairobi News.

Brian himself had addressed these allegations in various interviews, unequivocally stating that he was not gay, although this declaration left many of his followers perplexed.

Despite grappling with personal challenges, Brian, renowned as a TikTok sensation, was celebrated for his vibrant and benevolent demeanor.

However, he grew increasingly reserved following his disclosure of his HIV status, opting to connect primarily with family and friends through social media platforms like TikTok rather than in face-to-face interactions.

“Though he appeared burdened, Brian never wore his struggles on his sleeve. He shared his hardships online, which served as a window into his suffering. He favored communication via phone rather than in-person encounters,” recounted his uncles.

The circumstances surrounding Brian’s final farewell were deeply distressing for the family.

His uncles expressed their dismay over the lack of reverence displayed at his funeral, which was disrupted by uninvited guests and TikTok personalities, deviating from the dignified farewell they had envisioned.

“We sought solace, but it eluded us. Brian’s funeral lacked the dignity we had hoped for; TikTok influencers hijacked the proceedings, contrary to our wishes. Despite our requests, certain individuals insisted on intruding into the solemnity of the occasion,” they lamented.

Brian’s life was tragically cut short in a hit-and-run accident in Karuri, Kiambu County.

At the age of 23, the loss of this bright and promising young man has left a profound void in the hearts of those who cherished him.

According to a friend, on the night of the accident, Brian had been out without money or his phone, which was in the possession of another friend.

His final resting place was on Tuesday, March 26, at his grandmother’s ancestral land in Gitei village, Gathanje, Kiambu County, marking the conclusion of a life characterized by vibrancy yet marred by adversity.

May his soul rest in eternal peace.