
Andrew Kibe: Why I Charge Ksh.12,000 an Hour if You Need A Talk or Advice From Me.

Andrew Kibe, a renowned and somewhat contentious Kenyan content creator and critic based in the United States, has made a significant decision to unveil his rate card.

Known for his candid critiques of various celebrity actions, Kibe declared that he would no longer offer advice or engage in discussions for free. Speaking on his YouTube channel during a live broadcast, he emphasized the considerable investment he puts into his content, which serves as both his livelihood and career.

The former radio presenter highlighted the positive impact his advice and discussions have had on numerous individuals. Consequently, he has resolved to monetize these services. Kibe stated that anyone seeking his counsel or advice on specific matters would be required to pay Ksh. 12,000 per hour.

Recognizing his stature as a prominent figure, Kibe also announced that he would charge for interviews. He explained that maintaining various software tools, essential for his work, necessitates monthly updates, and these expenses need to be covered by those seeking his guidance, interviews, or discussions.

With a thriving YouTube channel, Andrew Kibe consistently uploads over three videos daily, garnering substantial views. His audience is diverse, encompassing Kenyans in the diaspora as well as locals, thus ensuring a robust monthly income from YouTube.