In a recent online revelation, renowned entertainment critic Sabato Sabato stirred up controversy once again. This time, he chose to be candid about the struggles faced by Ngesh Kaveve Kazoze and her Spider Clan crew.
Sabato took to TikTok in a viral video to reiterate his earlier statements, asserting that Ngesh and her crew lack genuine talent and merely rode on luck to achieve their fame. According to him, their era in the music industry is over, and rather than pursuing musical endeavors, they should be supported by being provided with alternative employment opportunities. Sabato specifically called on influencers like Karen Nyamu to assist Ngesh and Spider Clan by offering them jobs.
Expressing his willingness to support Ngesh Kaveve Kazoze, Sabato proposed the idea of taking her to Qatar and securing a maid position for her. He emphasized that the key to their recovery lies in transitioning to non-musical careers. Sabato extended his offer to another member of Spider Clan with short dreadlocks, suggesting a return to Naivasha and the purchase of a motorbike to enable them to make a living.
In Sabato’s view, steering Ngesh and Spider Clan away from the music industry and towards stable employment opportunities is the most effective way to uplift them. He remains convinced that their success was based on luck rather than true talent, making it crucial for them to explore alternative avenues for a sustainable livelihood.