Renowned singer and songwriter Ed Sheeran recently disclosed a unique aspect of his estate. Amid swirling speculations about a crypt being constructed on his property, Sheeran clarified the situation in an interview with GQ Hype. He revealed that it’s not a crypt but rather “a hole in the ground covered with a bit of stone, where I can rest when the time comes.”
This unconventional concept stemmed from his desire to have a place to remember and mourn the loved ones who have departed from his life. Sheeran also expressed his wish to be laid to rest there, ensuring that his daughters, Lyra and Jupiter, could keep his memory alive. He emphasized the importance of this after witnessing friends pass away without leaving clear instructions, leaving their loved ones unsure of what to do.
Going above and beyond, the Grammy award-winning artist has taken the initiative to construct a chapel in close proximity. This chapel is not just for his own use but for his family as well. Sheeran’s inspiration behind this chapel was to provide a gathering place for the remains of his family members who have been cremated. While the primary purpose is to honor the deceased, Sheeran has also opened its doors for hosting weddings of friends.
Despite facing personal challenges, including his wife Cherry Seaborn’s health struggles and the loss of a dear friend, Jamal Edwards, Sheeran remains resilient. He continues to captivate global audiences with his music while staying deeply connected to his roots and the people he holds dear.