KDF Job Vacancies: The Ministry of Defense through the Kenya Defense Forces has declared more than 200 position up for grabs in the civilian staff department.
The KDF is trying to recruit 35 craftsmen. These plumbers, spray painters, panel beaters, welders, carpenters and electricians.
KDF will is also looking to hire 33 motor vehicle mechanics, 49 clerical officers and 51 sanitary cleaners. Also Drivers (11 opportunities) and Cooks (30 vacancies) are enlisted.
Interested and qualified candidates are advised to download application forms from the public commission website (www.publicservice.go.ke)and hand drop them to Ulinzi House by May 3, 2021. Applicants can also send the filled forms to the Ministry through mail at P.O BOX 40668-00100, Nairobi.
The artisans will be pocketing Sh. 3,000 commuter allowance and an yearly leave allowance of Sh. 4,000 with a basic salary of Sh. 15,670-17,570
Salary for cooks is Sh. 15,670-17,570 and a commuter allowance of Sh. 3,000. The post also comes with a leave allowance of Sh. 4,000 paid yearly. Drivers’ salary is Sh 14,610-16, 250 with the same allowances as cooks. KDF Job Vacancies.
clerical officers will be pocketing Sh. 16, 890- 20,800 plus Sh. 3,000 commuter allowance. The post also comes with a leave allowance of Sh. 4,000 paid yearly.