Eddy Nderitu, the spouse of renowned Kikuyu Benga musician Samidoh, has entered a new phase of her life residing in the United States alongside her children. While her relationship with Samidoh currently faces challenges, Eddy has made the decision to embark on a journey in America, seeking enjoyment and distance from the ongoing drama. The catalyst for her departure was Samidoh’s continuous and controversial involvement with Senator Karen Nyamu, which created significant differences between Eddy and Samidoh.
The response from netizens regarding Eddy’s choice to leave Samidoh in Kenya with Karen Nyamu was a mixture of support and pleas for her return to her home country.
Since relocating to the United States, Eddy Nderitu has been building a fresh life, free from the local drama surrounding her husband and Karen. Despite the turmoil she has experienced in her marriage, Eddy has found comfort in her new surroundings thousands of miles away.
Eddy has found solace in the company of Bernice Saroni, a well-known influencer associated with Samidoh, who has been supportive of Eddy’s journey. The two have been seen enjoying life together in the United States and have formed a strong bond.
In a recent Instagram post, Bernice Saroni shared pictures of herself and Eddy Nderitu, capturing their joyful moments at the beach. The images vividly portray their happiness as they embrace the newfound freedom they have discovered.
In the caption of the post, Bernice expressed how life has become more pleasant for both herself and Eddy.
Eddy, in response, commented on the post, affirming that life has indeed become sweeter for her as well.