A 26-year-old woman named Valentine Chepkirui, hailing from Nairobi, has recently completed the construction of a house for her parents in Kericho. This inspiring story highlights the financial assistance she received from her friends, which enabled her to fulfill this heartfelt endeavor.
Valentine Chepkirui shared her gratitude towards her friends, explaining that she faced a challenging situation during the official launch of the house. However, her friends came to her aid and provided significant support. She initiated a WhatsApp group and managed to raise KSh 250,000 through their contributions. Thanks to their help, the house was officially opened during the Easter season, marking a moment of great joy for her family.
The idea to build a house for her parents first came to Chepkirui in 2019, when she faced a decision between purchasing a car or embarking on the construction project. Upon returning home and witnessing her parents’ dilapidated house, she realized that parking a new car beside it would be incongruous. Thus, she made the resolute decision to build a new home for her parents.
In pursuit of her dream, Chepkirui began saving money monthly for the project. She also approached her mother and elder sister, who willingly agreed to contribute. Together, they devised a plan where each person would purchase specific items, and they utilized KSh 200,000 from their mother’s pension fund to commence the construction. Unfortunately, her sister lost her job due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but Chepkirui remained determined and resolved to continue with the project.
Despite the challenges, including supporting three of her other sisters, Chepkirui persevered. After three years of hard work, the house was nearing completion. With the funds she had earned from her friends, she purchased various home furnishings, including a fridge, a microwave, and stylish chairs, among other essentials.
The formal inauguration of the house on Easter was an emotionally charged moment, especially for Chepkirui’s mother. Overwhelmed with happiness, she expressed her gratitude, stating that coming from a humble background, she never expected such a momentous occasion to transpire in her lifetime. The entire family felt blessed and filled with joy.
Chepkirui used this opportunity to encourage other aspiring homeowners in Kenya not to heed the doubters. She emphasized that the journey would not be easy, recalling how some individuals initially doubted their ability to complete the project. Moreover, baseless rumors circulated, falsely claiming that she was involved in a relationship with a wealthy sponsor. Despite these challenges, Chepkirui’s determination and the support she received from friends propelled her towards the successful completion of the house.
Valentine Chepkirui’s story serves as an inspiring testament to the power of friendship, perseverance, and unwavering dedication to family. Her selfless act of constructing a home for her parents showcases the potential to overcome obstacles and fulfill one’s dreams.