
Woman Leaves Her Husband Because Of Poverty And Gets Married To Her Neighbour

A resident of Chivovoli village in Vihiga County, David Sorema, finds himself in a state of shock and despair as his wife left him for their neighbor, driven by the harsh economic conditions in their home. The once beautiful family, consisting of four children, has now crumbled like a fragile house of cards.

David Sorema, employed as a casual worker in tea farms, is grappling with the aftermath of his wife’s departure. Out of their four children, only one remains with him, as two sons have run away, and the daughter opted to live with her mother and the neighbor. The impact on the remaining son, Nickson, is severe; he is not attending school and lacks basic necessities, including meals, as his father has turned to alcohol as a coping mechanism for the depression caused by his wife’s departure.

Sorema’s addiction has led to his irresponsibility, making it impossible for him to provide for their fundamental needs such as clothing, water, food, and proper shelter. In a desperate attempt to survive, Nickson has resorted to selling scrap metal at the local shopping center, earning a meager KSh 40 at the time of the interview.

Efforts to address Sorema’s situation have proven challenging, as he expressed that life has become too difficult. Unfortunately, two of Sorema’s sons have run away, and their daughter now resides with her mother and the neighbor, leaving Nickson as the sole remaining family member with his father. The fear that Nickson may end up as a street boy adds urgency to the need for intervention and assistance.

Sorema’s story is not an isolated case; poverty emerges as a significant contributor to heartbreak in families. Munyeshyaka Jean-Paul, a single father of two with a disability, faced a similar ordeal in April 2023 when his wife left him after eviction from their home. Born normal and strong, Jean-Paul’s life took a turn at age seven when an untreated illness rendered him unable to walk. His parents passed away, leaving him under the care of sisters who perceived him as a burden.

the plight of families like Sorema’s and Jean-Paul’s underscores the severe impact of poverty, leading to heartbreak and despair. It is imperative to extend support to vulnerable families facing economic challenges and address the root causes of poverty, implementing sustainable solutions to alleviate their suffering.