
Winnie Keranta Demands 150K Girlfriend Allowance to Have a Child with Lover Flaqo Raz

Content creator Winnie Keranta, also known as Keranta, recently revealed her desire to start a family with her boyfriend and fellow content creator, Erastus Ayieko Otieno, also known as Flaqo. However, she has attached a significant condition to her decision.

Keranta, often characterized as a confident and stylish figure, has expressed her wish for an increase in her monthly financial support from Flaqo before contemplating parenthood. The couple has been in a relationship for the past three years.

At present, Flaqo provides Keranta with a monthly allowance of Kshs 60,000. However, Keranta is requesting that this amount be raised to Kshs 150,000 per month, more than doubling the current allocation.

This revelation occurred during a conversation initiated by fellow content creators, Terrence Creative and his wife, Milly Chebby.

Milly Chebby pointed out that Keranta receives a Kshs 60,000 girlfriend allowance and proposed that Terrence Creative should provide a “wife allowance” exceeding this amount. Milly justified her stance by highlighting that she had already given birth to a child for her partner, while Keranta had not yet done so for Flaqo.

Terrence Creative, on the other hand, countered this suggestion by explaining that Keranta was receiving financial support because she and Flaqo had not yet started a family. With the arrival of children, the dynamics and responsibilities would likely change, potentially obviating the need for a girlfriend allowance.

In response to this conversation, Keranta shared it on her Instagram stories and humorously invited Flaqo to join in. She quoted Terrence’s statement about having a child and Milly’s proposal for an allowance exceeding Kshs 60,000. Keranta playfully suggested that Kshs 150,000 would be a suitable amount for her.

This intriguing development has stirred up considerable interest in the world of content creators and their relationships. Fans are eagerly anticipating Flaqo’s response to Keranta’s condition.