Willy Paul, a Kenyan musician, was allegedly under pressure from his friends to release Diana Marua’s nude photos and videos that he had in his possession. A source revealed that Willy Paul had compiled the photos and nudes of Diana Marua, and it was only a matter of time before he posted them online if he gave in to the pressure from his close quarters.
The pressure on Willy Paul was fueled by Diana Marua’s false allegations that he had raped her. In December 2021, Diana Marua sensationally claimed that Willy Paul had lured her into his car and driven her to his place, where he forced himself on her, despite her resistance.
However, Willy Paul vehemently denied the allegations, adding that Diana Marua should be brave enough to tell her husband Bahati what had really transpired that night. As a result of Diana Marua’s allegations, friends of Willy Paul advised him that the only way to stop Bahati’s wife was to share her private photos and shame her for life.
Bahati was bitter about the incident and developed more hatred towards Willy Paul, his long-term music rival. To worsen Diana Marua’s situation, Willy Paul had steamy Instagram conversations where the two exchanged love messages.
Among the people who were pushing Willy Paul to shame Diana Marua was one Mr. Y, who requested anonymity. According to Mr. Y, Bahati and Diana Marua had created fake rape allegations against Willy Paul to save face.
The source said that Willy Paul had everything private about Diana, including audios and videos. If Diana Marua insisted that Willy Paul raped her, he would have no option but to go the Mike Sonko way just to clear his name.
Despite publicly accusing Willy Paul of rape, Diana Marua did not record a statement with the police. The only reason why Diana did not take legal action against Willy Paul was that if he released her nudes and their conversation, the whole world would know that she had lied about being raped.