Two Nurses Beaten Badly By Patients After They Were Caught Enjoying 'Unprotected SEX' In A Ward

Two Nurses Beaten By Patients After Been Caught Enjoying ‘TWA TWA’ In Hospital Ward

A bizarre incident has been accounted for hours ago concerning two nurses who were caught enjoying a steamy session in one of the beds in a female ward. As detailed by a local media outlet the nurses left their work place and disappeared to refresh their tired minds.

They actually came back heavily intoxicated and even patients were worried about the possibility that that they might cause harm in case they administer medication while heavily drunk. It has been reported that the nurses were seemingly so tired and patients saw them heading to a female ward.

After some minutes, they realized that they were actually enjoying ‘unprotected sex’ something which provoked the furious patients to dive on them. It has additionally been reported that they were seriously beaten to a degree that doctors had to admit them.The news was forwarded to the management team who decided that the nurses should be sacked since they’re seriously misusing place of work and what they did was a misconduct.