
Stivo Simple Boy: I loved Wanja Kihii But She Dumped Me Juu Nilikuwa Nataka Kajala.

Renowned Kenyan musician, Stivo Simple Boy, recently shed light on the short-lived relationship he shared with rising content creator and musician, Wanja Kihii.

Their burgeoning romance caught the attention of the online world as they posted cozy videos together, hinting at an intimate connection. However, without delving into specifics, Stivo Simple Boy revealed that their relationship abruptly ended, marked by a cessation in their public displays of affection. Consequently, they gradually faded from the spotlight, leaving many curious about the reasons behind their split.

In a candid revelation during his latest collaboration with Kaa La Moto, Stivo Simple Boy confessed to being deeply enamored with Wanja Kihii. However, he acknowledged his own role in the relationship’s demise, attributing it to his own shortcomings and misplaced desires. He admitted succumbing to greed, which led him to shift his attention towards Fridah Kajala, ultimately causing a rift between him and Wanja Kihii.

Furthermore, Stivo Simple Boy offered insights into his other relationships, including his encounter with Pritty Vishy, whom he described as someone inclined towards a lavish lifestyle and excessive drinking, factors that contributed to their incompatibility. As for his association with Adasa, he clarified that it was primarily professional, dismissing any romantic notions as mere attempts at garnering attention.

In essence, Stivo Simple Boy’s revelation provides a glimpse into the complexities of human relationships, highlighting the transient nature of love and the personal struggles that often accompany romantic entanglements.