
Stevo Simple Boy Releases a Diss Track Directed at Eric Omondi

Recently, Kenyan musician Stevo Simple Boy released a diss track directed at fellow comedian Eric Omondi. The track, titled “Haki Yetu,” or “Our Right,” has sparked controversy and garnered widespread attention on social media.

In the track, Stevo accuses Eric of stealing jokes and taking credit for other people’s work. He also criticizes Eric for his perceived lack of originality and creativity. Stevo further accuses Eric of being a poor role model for young people, citing his controversial and sometimes offensive humor as evidence.

Many have praised Stevo for standing up for what he believes in and calling out Eric for his alleged plagiarism and lack of integrity. Others, however, have criticized Stevo for engaging in petty drama and using his platform to attack another comedian.

Regardless of one’s stance on the matter, it is clear that the diss track has sparked a conversation about the role of comedy in Kenyan society and the importance of honesty and originality in the industry. It remains to be seen how Eric will respond to the allegations made against him, but it is likely that the controversy will continue to dominate social media in the coming days.

Overall, the release of “Haki Yetu” highlights the competitive and sometimes cutthroat nature of the comedy industry, as well as the power of social media to amplify and shape public discourse. It is important for comedians and other creative professionals to remember the importance of integrity and originality in their work, and to consider the potential consequences of their actions and words.