
“Sijawai Date Mwanaume Maskini hii Kenya” Amberay Brags

Kenyan celebrity and controversial socialite Amberay recently decided to share insights into her dating history, shedding light on the personalities and backgrounds of the men she has been involved with. According to Amberay, she has consistently been in relationships with affluent individuals, describing them as tycoons from wealthy families. She emphasized that financial prosperity seems to gravitate towards her.

In an interview with Obinna, Amberay disclosed that she became pregnant immediately after completing high school, even before her exam results were released. She recounted an eight-year relationship with a man known as Baba Gavin, highlighting his significant wealth derived from his family’s prosperity. However, the relationship turned toxic soon after the birth of their son Gavin, with Amberay alleging mistreatment and physical abuse, prompting her decision to end the relationship.

Following their separation, Amberay pursued various careers, including unconventional ones like selling cow intestines, as she embarked on her own journey to financial independence. Despite her past relationships with wealthy men, she asserted that she does not rely on them to pay her bills. She proudly mentioned her investments in wheat farming, which have proven lucrative.

Amberay, known for her vibrant social life, admitted to enjoying parties throughout the week, reflecting her zest for life. She also revealed that she employs two maids: one dedicated to her son Gavin’s care and another for household duties. Currently, Amberay shared that she is in a serious relationship with someone she deeply cares about.

Overall, Amberay’s openness about her personal life and relationships offers a glimpse into the complexities and challenges she has faced, juxtaposed with her determination to thrive independently.