
Quiver Lounge Manager Fires Waitress for Refusing to have ‘fun with him

Allegations of misconduct have surfaced against a manager at the Kitengela branch of Quiver Lounge, following reports of him terminating a waitress’s employment for rebuffing his inappropriate advances. The waitress took to social media to narrate her distressing encounter, triggering widespread condemnation.

In her widely circulated video, the waitress detailed how the manager had created a hostile work environment for female staff by coercing them into engaging in unwelcome interactions with him. She bemoaned, “Ladies are unable to carry out their duties peacefully as they have not complied with the manager’s demands,” shedding light on the detrimental atmosphere he fostered.

Striving to earn a livelihood, the waitress recounted how the manager’s persistent advances disrupted her professional responsibilities. Her refusal to acquiesce to his advances resulted in her unjust termination, an injustice she courageously brought to public attention.

The video rapidly garnered attention, with numerous viewers rallying behind the waitress and urging the club owner to promptly address the manager’s behavior through disciplinary measures.