
“Pesa yangu inaweza lisha Khaligraph ,Bien na Their Families For 35 Yrs” Eric Omondi Claims

During an interview, comedian Eric Omondi proudly discussed his significant wealth, boasting that he could financially sustain musicians Bien Barasa of Sauti Sol and Khaligraph Jones for an astonishing 30 years. However, he opted not to disclose his precise net worth, citing familial pressures as a concern.

Eric admitted to his prosperity but attributed it to hard work and blessings from a higher power. When questioned if his net worth was around 10 million, he dismissed the notion, stating that he could support Bien’s music career and household for 35 years and extend the same assistance to Khaligraph Jones without them needing to work.

Despite his financial achievements, Eric expressed a desire to adopt a more thrifty approach, acknowledging his generous nature, which often leads him to donate to others. Approaching his 40s, he aims to prioritize saving over lavish spending.