
Omba Omba! Eric Omondi raises Sh140K as goes begging in Tanzania

Award-winning Kenyan comedian Eric Omondi achieved a remarkable feat during his recent show in Tanzania by raising a substantial amount of money, at least Sh140,000.

Utilizing his platform, the talented comedian appealed to the audience to contribute funds, highlighting the challenging economic conditions in Kenya, specifically the high cost of living. His spontaneous ‘fundraising’ initiative aimed to assist underprivileged Kenyans, offering them some relief.

In addition, Omondi unveiled his ambitious plan to embark on a global tour called the ‘Woiyee Tour,’ with the primary objective of generating funds to support struggling Kenyans. He humorously expressed his intentions to travel worldwide, actively seeking monetary assistance from various cities.

Notably, the comedian recently disclosed that he managed to collect Sh340,000 through street begging in London. Videos show people generously contributing money as Omondi sits on a bustling London street. However, his charitable activities were briefly interrupted by the intervention of local police.

Sharing his experience, Omondi explained that during his time in the United Kingdom, he dedicated himself to raising funds on the streets of London to support fellow Kenyans, emphasizing unity and cooperation. Through his efforts, he successfully raised Ksh 340,000, which he plans to utilize for purchasing essential items such as maize flour (Unga) for those in need and laptops for upcoming content creators. Omondi also humorously mentioned encountering a racist individual during his street begging venture.

It is worth mentioning that the comedian’s visit to the UK was a response to a statement by CS Moses Kuria, who expressed regret in sponsoring Omondi’s initial trip to the United States. Omondi clarified that his intention in visiting London was merely to demonstrate to Kuria that he has achieved a level of financial success, symbolized by indulging in a luxurious lifestyle, even if only for a lunch outing.