
“My husband is not a cheater” – Karen Nyamu defends Samidoh over cheating claims

To refute the allegations of Samidoh’s infidelity, Karen Nyamu has come forward.

After Sue Gacambi, a promoter based in the US, claimed that Samidoh is known for pursuing women, the UDA-nominated senator addressed the accusations of the singer cheating on her.

A heated exchange between Nyamu and Gacambi unfolded on social media throughout the entire week.

Following the controversy, Karen Nyamu took to Facebook to respond to comments about Samidoh’s alleged philandering. She addressed some of the points raised.

“Ladies, you don’t have to do everything. You don’t have to be a supermom, a super housewife, a super professional, or a superwoman. Because when your body fails you, there will be only a few who will remember that you tried to be everything to everyone!

“So step out of the house, travel, take a walk, exercise, go to the park, go to the gym, indulge in the food you love, take care of yourself, prioritize yourself, love yourself, learn to say no sometimes, and do it exclusively for YOU!

Children grow up and leave, husbands may not always stay, work can easily replace you, and the house will get dirty again. But your emotional well-being is also crucial, and you might not get a second chance 🤗🤗❤️,” Karen Nyamu wrote on Facebook on Friday, July 7, 2023.

“Practice what you’ve said above. By allowing a man to toy with your emotions, you’re neglecting yourself. Respect yourself; you’re a hardworking woman. Your name is currently trending here in the USA, and it’s not in a positive light. Have some self-love, gal,” commented Martha Mburu on Karen Nyamu’s post.

In a prompt response, Nyamu assured Martha Mburu that Samidoh had not mistreated her and that she was indifferent to whether her name was trending for good or bad reasons.

“Martha Mburu, my man hasn’t mistreated me. However, you’re free to fabricate stories and believe them. Not everyone desires to trend. Whether it’s negative or positive attention, we enjoy being the center of attention,” Nyamu responded.

Sue Gacambi taunted Karen Nyamu, claiming that Samidoh was merely using her as a means to fulfill his sexual desires whenever he felt excited.

The US-based promoter alleged that she was one among many women who had experienced Samidoh’s intimate moments.

“He would let you have him, saying, ‘Take my man and do whatever you want with him.’ Samidoh isn’t acknowledging you publicly, he isn’t marrying you, he hasn’t given you a ring, he simply uses you whenever he feels like it.

When he’s feeling aroused and hasn’t found another woman elsewhere because, my dear, there are many of us, many who love Samidoh and crave his touch,” Sue ranted in a Facebook Live session.