Robert Nagila, a journalist with a decade of experience, has recently been thrust into the spotlight following the unfortunate passing of NTV Journalist Rita Tinina due to severe pneumonia. Rita Tinina’s demise has been a cause of mourning for Kenyans over the past week.
Rita Tinina, survived by her daughter, Mia Malaikah, and her husband, Robert Nagila, leaves behind a legacy that extends beyond her journalistic endeavors. She was the cherished daughter of the late Dominic and the late Mary Yiapan, as highlighted in a death and funeral announcement. Additionally, she was deeply cherished as a sister-in-law by Timothy, Roshen, Belmont, Agnes, and Macharia.
Robert Nagila’s professional journey spans extensive coverage of significant conflicts and events across Africa. Notably, he has been reporting on the Eastern DRC conflict between the M23 rebels and Government forces, which has resulted in the displacement of over 500,000 people. His reporting extends to conflict zones in Somalia, including Mogadishu and Kismayu, where he has covered clashes between Al-Shabaab militants and the transitional government.
Moreover, Robert has provided insightful coverage of the referendum and independence in South Sudan, the insurgency of Boko Haram in Northern Nigeria aiming to establish an Islamist State, and the aftermath of the 2007 post-election violence in Kenya. His investigative journalism has also shed light on corruption within the Kenyan government, including exposing the drug trade in Nairobi and reporting on the Goldenberg scandal, Kenya’s largest corruption case.