“The OG Must Be Revered” is the iconic slogan frequently associated with rapper Khaligraph Jones, who stands as Kenya’s preeminent and most celebrated rap artist. Recently, he found himself embroiled in a dispute with Citizen TV for disseminating inaccurate information about him.
In Kenya, a flurry of allegations and rumors circulated, claiming that Khaligraph Jones had declined an interview with BBC. However, these claims were unsubstantiated, leading major media outlets, including Citizen TV, to propagate the story without conducting a thorough investigation.
The crux of the matter lay in the falsity of the narrative; Khaligraph had indeed participated in the BBC interview, contrary to Citizen TV’s portrayal. Fueled by this misrepresentation, the OG decided to respond vehemently, directing harsh criticism and even resorting to coarse language in his rebuke of Citizen TV.
Citizen TV and Kiss 100, two prominent media conglomerates, were at the forefront of speculating about the alleged rejection of Khaligraph’s interview with BBC. However, they inadvertently ended up broadcasting a video showing him engaging in the very interview in question.
In his impassioned statement, Khaligraph expressed his disappointment at witnessing Kenyan media outlets tarnishing the sterling brand he had meticulously nurtured over the past decade. He vowed to address the issue imminently, declaring a war against media houses that disseminate unverified information without due diligence.