
Latest Opinion Poll Between Raila & Karua Vs Ruto & Gachagua

In a Radio Africa survey held by the Star, Kenyans were obliged to decide in favor of their preferred candidate between Raila Odinga and his running mate Martha Karua and Deputy President William Ruto and his running friend Rigathi Gachagua in a Radio Africa poll held by the Star.

Roughly 70,000 voters partook in the poll that lasted precisely 24 hours.

Whom will you vote for in the general election on August 9? “RadioAfricaPolls” is a hashtag. The post’s teaser was written.

DP Ruto got 49.6% of the votes cast on the web and was announced the winner.

He was trailed by the Azimio-OKA candidate, Raila Odinga, who got 43.3% of the total votes.

The Wiper party’s chief, Kalonzo Musyoka, finished third with almost 3% of the vote.

Furthermore, nearly 4% of voters did not vote for Kalonzo, Raila, or Ruto because their preferred candidate(s) was/were not on the ballot.

Before the final findings of this opinion poll were determined, the results continued shifting, with Raila leading for hours before DP Ruto overtook him and vice versa.