
Kenyans to be paid Ksh10,000 for each crow they kill

An opportunity to make money by killing an invasive bird species has been announced by the Non-Governmental Organisation, Planet Protector, in the coastal region of Kenya. The Indian house crow, introduced from South Asia, is causing environmental damage and attacking humans, according to the NGO’s spokesperson, Mr Patesh Patel. The birds are aggressive and pose a threat to the local ecosystem. Planet Protector will pay individuals Sh10,000 for every Indian house crow they kill.

The Indian house crow is a menace for several reasons. They are notorious for transmitting diseases, preying on other native bird species and their eggs, and causing a disturbance with their cawing, especially during the early hours of the morning. They are also a nuisance in hotels and restaurants, where they scavenge for food. The birds are attracted to areas where waste is produced and not properly disposed of, which has made the unsustainable development of Mombasa and other coastal towns the ideal environment for them to thrive.

In 2019-2020, Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho allocated Sh30 million in his budget to eradicate the Indian house crow, but the plan was criticized by residents and the business community. However, years later, the invasive birds, locally known as kunguru or kurabu, have returned to haunt residents. The population of Indian house crows is rapidly increasing along the coast of Kenya, leading residents to once again band together, as they did 20 years ago, to restore the natural balance by controlling the birds’ reproduction.

To address the growing problem, a national plan has been developed to eradicate the crows in Kenya, which includes reintroducing a product called Starlicide that limits the birds’ births by killing their eggs. Despite not being native to East Africa, the Indian house crow has adapted to the Swahili coastline and has become an invasive species that feeds on waste, dead animals, and fish remains, making them practically omnivorous. The birds are now being targeted for their negative impact on the environment and humans, and for disrupting businesses such as restaurants and hotels.