
Kenyan Artist Ssaru Wa Manyaru Reveals her Dowry is Ksh 1 Billion

The 21-year-old Kenyan artist, Ssaru wa Manyaru, recently stirred a range of reactions by disclosing the substantial sum a man must be prepared to pay if he intends to make her his wife.

During an interview with Plug TV, the artist behind the hit “Kaskie Vibaya” revealed that her dowry is set at a staggering 1 billion Kenyan shillings, emphasizing that anything less would not be considered.

In the interview, Ssaru conveyed that she is in no hurry to settle down and hinted that the dowry amount might increase over time.

“Let me share this with you. I want to inform my current partner, but marriage is not in my immediate plans. I prefer to wait for a few years. However, it’s noteworthy that every year, the dowry amount escalates; it’s a billion shillings, just like that.”

Asserting her self-worth, Ssaru confidently declared:

“I bring more to the table. Understand that I am not just a table; I am a complete dining set. In fact, I am the feast that you will enjoy on that dining set.”

The video was posted on Nairobi Gossip’s Instagram account, sparking diverse reactions from fans. Some of the comments included:

“😂😂😂😂 Looks like she’s talking about someone from Tanzania… because I don’t see that 1 billion coming from here 😂😂.”

“Seems like she’s addressing the Tanzanian crew 😂, alright.”

“This is where women go wrong. This decision lies with the elders. Even if she says two chickens are enough. Done!”

“Now, if you’ve been warned to stay away from their affairs, why complain? 😂😂😂😂 Be careful with your comments; your dad might be the one footing that one-billion bill 😂😂😂😂.”

“Then add 100,000 for the marriage certificate 😂💔.”

“Or maybe that’s the title of her next song 😂.”