Langata MP and comedian, Phelix Odiwour aka Jalang’o, has responded to the viral photo of him and Diana Marua that has been trending. The photo, along with others of Diana with Jalang’o’s friends, sparked rumors of a relationship between the two. This comes after Diana’s confession of her wild past and dating multiple men for survival and money.
Jalang’o cleared the air during the launch of his restaurant, Wapek Delicacies, which offers traditional and African cuisine. He stated that the photo was taken more than 10-15 years ago when Diana had come to his friend’s boutique to buy clothes and had requested for a photo. He expressed his disappointment in how the story was twisted and how hurtful it was to be accused of prostitution.
Jalang’o stated that he and Diana have been friends for the longest time and he has never dated her. He feels sorry for the situation and how the story was taken out of context.
Wapek Delicacies has been operational for the last six months and business is picking up well, according to Jalang’o. The restaurant is located in Nairobi and offers a variety of traditional and African cuisine.