Tensions rose at the Kiss FM studios when an altercation erupted between Oga Obinna and Eric Omondi. Photos shared by Obinna showed two individuals in black suits separating the two men, and a video revealed the argument getting heated as Obinna’s co-host, Kwamboka, watched on helplessly.
The dispute started during a breakfast show interview, where Obinna criticized Eric’s dress code and called into question his ability to be a good role model for future generations. Eric retorted by defending his attire as a part of his showbiz image, to which Obinna responded by suggesting that Eric come out of the closet and reveal his sexuality. Eric was taken aback by the comment and stood up from his seat, ready to attack Obinna, leading to the need for intervention from the men in black suits.
Kwamboka had invited Eric to the studio to discuss his recent comments about gospel artists, which elicited a threat from Obinna to leave if Eric showed up. Eric, who referred to himself as the “President of African Comedy,” responded by presenting four demands for the radio station to fulfill during his interview, including clearance for his dogs and security, an interview only with Kwamboka, a reserved lift and washroom, and mineral water and German sausages for his dogs.
The conflict started when Obinna and Kamene criticized Eric for discouraging Kenyan artists, which prompted Eric to record a message asking them to leave his name out of their discussions. However, some fans on social media have speculated that the drama was staged, with one individual saying “I knew it was clout chasing the moment I saw security inside the studio.” Another commented, “Kenyan celebrities… our showbiz is really low, even Uganda is starting to overtake us.”