Bizzare celebrity

I will import my wedding gown, says crossdressing Tik Toker Kinuthia

Content creator Kelvin Kinuthia has made a bold declaration regarding his upcoming wedding, promising to generate a significant online buzz. In an interview with YouTuber Mungai Eve, the TikToker expressed his intention to wear an imported gown and emphasized that his wedding would deviate from the norms of conventional ceremonies.

“I have made a decision to import a gown for my wedding, and I fully intend to follow through with it when the time comes and I have the necessary funds. Many of you will undoubtedly be taken aback because my wedding will be anything but ordinary,” Kinuthia confidently stated.

However, despite his mother’s persistent encouragement to start a family, Kinuthia asserted that he is still young and unprepared for marriage. His primary focus currently lies in enjoying life and maximizing his financial potential.

“I don’t feel ready to start a family at this point in my life. Perhaps when I reach the age of 30, once I have accomplished certain personal goals, I will consider it. Right now, my priority is to live life to the fullest and pursue financial success. Of course, I do have a dream of eventually starting a family,” he explained.

In response to his mother’s concerns, the YouTuber expressed confidence that she would respect his decision to postpone settling down until his early 30s due to her understanding nature.

“I believe my mother will be accepting of my choice to delay starting a family until I feel ready, as she has always been supportive of my decisions. Ultimately, it is my personal decision, and she understands that,” he reassured.

Kinuthia reassured his fans that his marriage would not prompt any drastic changes in his lifestyle or the content he creates online.

“Even after I tie the knot, my online content will remain unchanged. It is this content that has brought me to where I am today and made me known to everyone. Therefore, I have no plans to alter it anytime soon,” Kinuthia confirmed.

Having gained a substantial following on TikTok as a crossdresser, Kinuthia recently garnered attention when a Facebook user accused him of posing as a woman and scamming him out of money.

Responding to the allegations, Kinuthia vehemently denied ever encountering the accuser and dismissed the claims as an attempt to gain publicity.

“Stop using my pictures or my name to seek attention. I have no involvement whatsoever in that story. Firstly, my name is Kelvin Kinuthia, not Justin Kioko. Secondly, I have no connection to Machakos in any way. And finally, I am a Kikuyu, not a Kamba. So, please understand that I have no association with that story. I appreciate all those who have reached out to me via DMs and calls to check on me. I am perfectly fine. Thank you, everyone,” Kinuthia clarified.

He further stated, “No money was ever sent to me, amounting to KSh 344k… I know many people might believe this story due to the mention of a flight, shopping, and a new phone. However, I want to make it clear that nobody bought me a new phone. That story is completely false. Please refrain from using my name to chase publicity.”