
Wanjira Munyeki: How KSh 500 loan helped me start MITUMBA business

When life knocks you down, it can be easy to give up and feel defeated. However, as Les Brown famously said, the key is to aim to land on your back, because if you can look up, you can get up. This is the story of Mary Wanjira Munyeki, also known as Cira wa Mitumba, who found success after overcoming setbacks and losing her job in 2015.

Cira, who previously worked as an account assistant, turned to hawking second-hand clothing after her company closed down. She approached a woman selling clothes in Gikomba and the two became friends.

Despite not having enough money to buy stock, Cira was determined to succeed and asked the woman to supply her with clothes on credit. Slowly, her business began to grow and she was able to bring in her own containers of bales from the UK and Canada. Today, she runs a thriving second-hand clothes business and manages three employees.

Cira’s story is a testament to the power of determination and perseverance. She not only succeeded in building her own business, but also wants to help others do the same.

She teaches single ladies and housewives how to make their own money and helps them start small businesses by sharing bales of clothes among themselves. Cira’s journey serves as a reminder that no matter how hard life may knock you down, if you can look up, you can get up and succeed.