
”I Need Security, Walisema Watachukua 8 Million Zote” Chira’s Shosh Exposes BabaTalisha and His Girlfriend.

Brian Chira’s grandmother has finally decided to lift the veil on the events unfolding behind closed doors. Following the remarkable gesture of Kenyans who generously raised Ksh. 8 Million to support Chira’s burial, facilitated by the tireless efforts of Baba Talisha, who tirelessly rallied people to contribute, a startling revelation has emerged.

In a candid disclosure, Chira’s grandmother has revealed that since the influx of funds into the accounts, Baba Talisha and his girlfriend, identified as Brenda Wanjiku, have assumed control over her life. Their influence reached such an extent that her autonomy was severely compromised; her phone was confiscated for a duration of three weeks. They wielded authority over decision-making processes and financial transactions, relegating her to a mere instrument for withdrawing money. The grandmother expressed feeling restricted and instructed not to communicate with certain individuals, indicating the extent of their dominance.

Upon confiding in Obidan Dela, the grandmother recounted facing intimidation from Wanjiku and Baba T, who asserted that the funds belonged to the public and could be depleted at their discretion. They ominously threatened to abscond with the entirety of the funds, leaving her destitute, as they possessed control over all account PINs.

In the wake of this exposure, the grandmother voiced concerns for her safety, expressing a palpable fear for her life. Nevertheless, she finds solace in having unburdened herself of the truth, acknowledging the necessity for security moving forward.