Multilevel marketing is the rave among Kenya’s jobless youths. These pozi schemes promise to transform broke and idle youths into overnight moguls or millionaires if you may. Sad truth is, they are just perpetual cash pits. This is the sad truth that Willis Raburu learnt the hard way.
The Citizen TV reporter lost more than Sh. 300,000 in a one of these con games in Nairobi.
In an interview with local news stations, Raburu confirmed how he had consistently had the spirit of been an entrepreneur. In his school days, he used to sell bread rolls and water.
“I had a secret water tap that none of the students knew about and I sold water to them,” he narrated.
In his mid 20s, he was introduced in to what is now a how to get rich quickly plan,multi level marketing. He borrowed Sh. 300,000 from a friend with the guarantee that he’d take care of it with interest.

“I thought about the amount of money I would make and be left with after paying the balance. I didn’t know what lay in store for me. They convinced me to bring in other investors. This would have me making more money. I also bought their products which they sold to me at a discount in order to increase my profits,” he said.
When he parted with cash he had borrowed, the said company went ghost on him.
“After investing all the money, they stopped picking my calls. When I went to their offices I was told they had moved. That’s when I discovered I had been conned,” Willis Raburu said.
There has been a growing number of multilevel marketing firms in the country that has left youths crying after falling into their con game