Leaving a job to embark on an entrepreneurial journey is undoubtedly a daunting choice. The fear of uncertainty is compounded by the inevitable challenges that come with establishing a new business. However, Georgina Chepkoech Rono fearlessly embraced this decision.
Georgina, a graduate of Egerton University, made the bold move of resigning from her job, where she earned a monthly salary of Sh. 50,000, to pursue dairy farming in Ginah area, Nakuru County. She invested in over ten Friesian cows that yielded a daily production of 200 liters, earning her a monthly income of Sh. 150,000.
“After completing my studies in Animal Health and Production in 2015, I immediately delved into farming,” Georgina shared in a previous interview with the media. “Although I was employed at the time, I made the decision to focus on commercial farming in 2016 and resigned from my job. Animal keeping has always been my passion.”
To kickstart her business, Georgina purchased her first dairy cow for Sh. 180,000. She later acquired three calves for a total cost of Sh. 180,000, which matured and commenced milk production. Each of her cows produced approximately 20 liters of milk per day. She supplied her milk to hotels in Nakuru town and also sold through her milk ATM to local residents.
“On average, I earn more than Sh. 8,000 per day. After deducting labor, water, and feed expenses, my monthly profit exceeds Sh. 4,000,” Georgina revealed, mentioning that on good months, she achieves a net income of Sh. 150,000.
To combat the escalating cost of commercial feed, Georgina has adopted innovative farming practices. She formulates her own feeds, ensuring both quality and cost-effectiveness.
“We produce our own TMR (total mixed ration) on the farm. We cultivate Boma Rhodes grass and other protein concentrates. If we have any surplus, we sell it to our neighbors,” she explained.
Although Nakuru’s climate is generally favorable for farming, occasional cold spells can affect milk production. Georgina utilizes her knowledge of animal health and production to address such challenges.
Currently employing four individuals, Georgina plans to expand her workforce as she envisions mechanizing her farm.
“To sustain production, I work closely with a veterinary officer. Additionally, I stay updated on dairy farming information through online research and by participating in trade fairs and farmers’ field days,” Georgina added.
Despite the success she has achieved, Georgina acknowledges that leaving her job to pursue her passion was one of the most courageous decisions she has ever made.
“Quitting a job to start your own business requires courage and determination. Some people are apprehensive about retirement even after exhausting their working years,” she reflects.