
Four traffic police officers Arrested For Extorting Money From Motorists In Embu

Four traffic police officers were apprehended by detectives from the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) for engaging in extortion along the Embu-Siakago Road. Transported from their duty station at Embu’s Itabua Police Station, they were processed at the EACC Integrity Centre Police Station before being formally booked at Kilimani Police Station, where they presently remain in custody pending court arraignment.

Identified as Police Inspector Sammy Cherogony, Corporal Maurice Mwakachora, Constables Fozia Hallake, and Adan Mohamed Iman, these officers had been under EACC surveillance prior to their arrest, according to a reliable source within the EACC.

This development occurs within the context of an ongoing crackdown initiated by the EACC to root out corrupt practices among traffic police officers who habitually demand bribes and unlawfully extract money from motorists along major thoroughfares.

A source from the EACC highlighted the commission’s observations during surveillance operations on various arterial roads, noting that the actions of many traffic police officers go beyond mere bribery, constituting acts of extortion.