
DJ Pierra Makena says her daughter asks difficult questions about her father’s existence.

DJ Pierra Makena recently opened up about the numerous challenges she faces in raising her child without the presence of a father. During an interview with Mungai Eve, Makena shared that her 7-year-old daughter has never met her father since birth.

According to Makena, her baby daddy abandoned her when she was only two weeks pregnant, proceeding to get married just five months later. That marked the end of their relationship, and they haven’t seen him since. Makena admitted that navigating the journey of single parenthood for seven years has been far from easy, especially when her daughter poses challenging questions about her absent father.

The DJ disclosed that her child often inquires about her father’s whereabouts, prompting Makena to craft fictional responses to pacify her. She explained, “When she asks such questions about her father, she has a distant idea about her father but the questions she asks are, ‘But I have never seen him, where is he?’… I always try to avoid such issues, but I also always try to reassure her that ‘you know your father loves you,’ just to make sure it doesn’t affect her in a negative way.”

Makena candidly revealed that she sometimes fabricates stories about the father’s affection, acknowledging that it may not always be true. Nevertheless, she sees it as a necessary measure to provide the child with a sense of security and love.

Despite these challenges, Makena emphasized that she hasn’t kept the truth hidden from her daughter for the entire duration. She believes that as the child grows into adulthood, she will naturally gain a deeper understanding of the complexities of the world and learn to distinguish reality from fiction.

“I believe when she becomes an adult, she will know what the world is like, and I hope she will not come to think of it in a negative way,” Makena expressed, highlighting her optimism about her daughter’s ability to navigate the complexities of life with resilience and maturity.