Bizzare celebrity

Dem Wa Facebook: Niko Ready Kuzalia Khaligraph Jones Watoto Saba.

Kenya’s emerging comedian and content creator, Dem Wa Facebook, remains unwavering in her pursuit of Khaligraph Jones. Publicly declaring her affection for Khaligraph Jones, Dem Wa Facebook shows no signs of giving up on her aspirations.

In a recent interview with Oga Obinna, Dem Wa Facebook once again directed her admiration towards Khaligraph Jones. She openly expressed her willingness to bear Khaligraph Jones’ children and even suggested the possibility of having up to seven kids with him, should he desire such a family size.

Acknowledging Khaligraph Jones’ marital status, Dem Wa Facebook conceded that she’s content with a lower profile position in his life. She mentioned being prepared to be a companion on the side or in any role he may prefer, as long as she can maintain a connection with the rapper she affectionately refers to as “Papa John’s.”

Notably, Dem Wa Facebook didn’t hesitate to speak highly of herself. Describing herself in Kenyan slang as a “Pure Kienyejiii Girl,” she boldly claims to possess the qualities that might attract Khaligraph Jones.

Dem Wa Facebook’s ultimate dream centers around meeting Khaligraph Jones and openly sharing her emotions with him. She envisions the possibility of her heartfelt confession leading to a deeper connection, and if fate permits, she envisions the potential of forming a marital bond with the OG himself.