
Ben Githae Ready To Release Another Banger For Raila.

Tano Tena hit maker, Ben Githae has revealed that he is ready to release a new song to woo in more supporters from the Mt Kenya Region to Raila’s camp.

However, Githae said that he will only release the song when President Uhuru Kenyatta will endorse Raila Odinga as his preferred presidential candidate.

He went on to add that he had never supported Raila after he was seen countless times performing at the Orange Democratic Movement Party’s events and the Skiza thanksgiving ceremony held in Murang’a.

“I saw people trolling me the other day after I was photographed with Raila Odinga. Some claimed that I have moved to support him but, what they didn’t know was the context of our meeting,” the singer expressed.

“I am a staunch supporter of Uhuru, if he says I support Raila, I will support him,” he added.

“The other day, I lost my mother and he called me and also directed me to the person to go and see for his support. That is how tight I am with him,” the gospel singer stated.

“If you have talent and can’t make money through it to support your life, then the talent is useless. What is wrong with me making money through my singing talent whether I am singing in crusades or political rallies?” Githae posed