
Appreciate president Ruto’s Ksh.10K Donation To Flood Victims, Say Kenya Kwanza Politicians

A contingent of Kenya Kwanza Members of Parliament have thrown their support behind President William Ruto’s initiative to allocate Ksh.10,000 to each household affected by the floods in Nairobi County. They have rebuffed claims from the Azimio coalition, labeling their criticism of the donation as belated and insufficient.

During his visit to the Mathare area on Monday, Ruto pledged Ksh.10,000 for each of the 40,000 families grappling with the aftermath of the floods.

Nevertheless, the Azimio La Umoja One Kenya coalition wasted no time in lambasting Ruto’s commitment as “too little, too late,” condemning the perceived failure of the Kenya Kwanza administration. This criticism was voiced on Wednesday.

Titus Lotee, the Kalicheba MP, denounced the opposition’s stance as hypocritical during Thursday’s Daybreak program on Citizen TV. He urged Kenyans to appreciate Ruto’s gesture as a demonstration of compassion and solidarity.

Lotee pointed out the disparity in contributions, highlighting that while the entire ODM team donated Ksh.1 million, they demanded Ksh.100,000 per family from the government. He emphasized that for many households, their monthly budget may not exceed Ksh.10,000.

The MP underscored the significance of the Ksh.10,000 allocation, noting that sustaining 40,000 households over three months would entail a government expenditure of Ksh.1.2 billion. He commended Ruto’s direct engagement with the affected communities, citing his presence in gumboots amidst the muddy environs of the slum as a testament to his empathy and commitment to prompt action.

Joining Lotee on the panel discussion was Murang’a Senator Joe Nyutu, who dismissed the opposition’s critique as detached from the reality faced by the flood-affected families. Nyutu argued that while some might view Ksh.10,000 as inadequate, it could significantly alleviate the immediate hardships endured by those living in cramped quarters with minimal possessions. He acknowledged the limitations of the relief fund but emphasized the goodwill behind the government’s gesture and its commitment to exploring further assistance measures.