
Andrew kibe is a very Smart Content Creator Diana Marua praises kibe” Atakutusi To Go Viral”

Rapper Diana Marua has recently commended YouTuber Andrew Kibe for his unwavering commitment and innovative approach to content creation.

In a conversation with Nicholas Kioko, Marua expressed her approval of Kibe utilizing her name to generate income and thrive as a content creator.

“Andrew Kibe is an intelligent content creator. Crafting content is no easy feat. So, when you think about content creation, you realize who is at the top right now. He sees it as Diana B, and that’s what he’ll use to elevate himself,” she remarked.

Marua acknowledged Kibe’s job loss at Kiss and justified his use of her name for financial gain, stating, “He lost his job at Kiss, and now he’s looking for sustenance. So, if he chooses to talk about Diana B to earn a living, then so be it.”

Seizing the opportunity, Marua also offered advice to YouTuber Eve Mungai, emphasizing the importance of self-awareness and disregarding others’ opinions that do not contribute to one’s well-being.

“You know who you are, you know what you stand for, and you have people who love you; that is all that matters. Somebody else’s opinion should not matter to you. As long as they don’t provide for you or pay your bills, that is none of your business,” she advised.

Addressing rumors of a feud with Bahati’s baby mama, Yvette Obura, Marua clarified that there is no animosity between them and that she considers Obura as her daughter’s mother.

On the flip side, Kibe took to criticizing Diana Marua in a recent video, claiming that she sought attention by using his name. He labeled her with various derogatory terms while expressing his perspective on the situation.

Responding to Kibe’s remarks, Marua questioned his penchant for insults and suggested that he relies on her name to sustain his career.

Kibe, unfazed by Diana’s allegations, asserted that he is indifferent to such matters nowadays, drawing a parallel to a mentally ill person who is not stressed due to having no bills to pay. He emphasized his reduced level of concern for external opinions.